

SuperCube™ is a Windows 95/NT game that has its roots in good old Tetris™.  And before you groan, “Ugh, just what I need -- yet another Tetris knockoff”, take note that this is not just another Tetris clone.  Rather, it is a quite different 3-D game that’s only partly derived from Tetris.  It is in fact more directly descended from my other game WinBlock™, a 3-D version of Tetris based on Blockout/DOS™.

But what’s that, you say?  You haven’t played WinBlock yet?  Well then what are you waiting for?  Download it right now from my web page!

In SuperCube, as in WinBlock, you look down a 3-dimensional well as variously shaped blocks drop down into the pit one level at a time.  And as in that game, You can move and rotate the block to align it with the vacancies in the pit, then drop it to the bottom with the space bar.

But here’s the twist: In WinBlock, the pit was stationary, and you could only drop blocks on top of the ones that were already there, kinda like droping Loc-Blocs™ into a bucket.  And unfortunately for masochists like myself, this was not quite enough of a challenge.

And so I thought to myself, “Hmm, what if I could actually rotate the pit itself to expose different faces of the existing block pile?  And then instead of just clearing levels, what if the goal was actually to build up a perfect cube with the dropping blocks?  So instead of the pit being like a bucket, it would be more akin to one of those snake cube puzzles, where you take a long, jointed string of blocks and try to turn it into a cube.

And so, after a bit of work twisting the WinBlock program around, I ended up with the program whose screen shot you see above, SuperCube.


Click Here to download SuperCube version 1.02.

To run SuperCube, you will also need the Microsoft OpenGL 1.1 DLLs.  If you are running Windows 98, Windows 95 version OSR2 or later, or Win NT version 4.0 or later, you will already have them on your system.  Otherwise, you can get the DLLs for Win95 by clicking here.

I am always looking for new ideas on Tetris-type game variations.  If you come up with a challenging one, please e-mail it to me and I may implement it in a future game.

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